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Showing posts from May, 2014

"Black and white are legal statuses. They have nothing to do with complexion."

"Black and white are legal statuses. They have nothing to do with complexion."  Brother Taj Tarik Bey reveals a lot of hidden truths in this very revealing conversation/ mini lecture as he always does. My intention for making this blog posting is to teach everyone whom takes the time, views the video and takes notes to learn something that they did not know or or something that they did not have a complete understanding of. Comments are always welcome.

Being Emergency Prepared

When the proverbial crap hits the fan, our people must be prepared.  You notice I said WHEN, not IF!  When it becomes obvious that we are under martial law, businesses and corporations, that have joined InfraGard, have been authorized, by Homeland Security, to use lethal force against the public. They have been ordered to shoot to kill!  They CANNOT BE PROSECUTED, because the FBI says they are the first line of defense and MUST protect America's infrastructure from terrorists!  (Keep in mind the fact that gangs and gang bangers have been labeled as terrorists.  If you live in a so-called gang infested neighborhood, then you are considered to be either in the gang yourself, or GANG AFFILIATED i.e. terrorist affiliated.  Most of my people in America can be made to fall into this category by the stroke of a pen.) The President also has laws in place to attack the citizenry of America!  I don't recall the actual numbers for the P...

The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America

Here I have provided you with the pdf link to the very informative and very revealing book by Mrs. Charolette Thomson Iserbyt, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America." It gives a detailed inside look at the educational system from it's conception to today. I'm not gonna spoil it for you by telling you to much about it. But I'm gonna tell you this "The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America" is an invaluable book that breaks the educational system down to it's core. It tells about the revamping of the educational system and the reason why. Parents send their children to school  thinking that they're children are getting a true education but, in actuality they're children are only being training. Sadly the same goes for all levels of education from preschool to college.


This page does not have to go into any lengthy detail. Remember, if you are taken to jail via a 'fresh arrest,' try to get the names of the officers involved in your arrest who cause the most injury, threats or pain. Try to keep the details of your 'fresh arrest' in your head, as most likely, they won't give you paper & pencil. DO NOT SIGN IN, DO NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS, GIVE FINGERPRINTS, ETC., ONLY AFTER THEIR THREATS, AND DO NOT SIGN WHEN YOU' RE GETTING OUT. As soon as you are out, you need to do up an affidavit of all the facts of that unlawful arrest! It is best if you have someone that has your power of attorney to assist you in these matters until you are out.But, when you find yourself in a jail cell ... for whatever reason you've heard the story, seen it in the movies... that you have a right to ONE phone call. So the question is "who do you call?" Well, it's not to call your lawyer (God forbid!), your girlfriend, your p...


This is the full audio version of his very informative book "Adventures In Legal Land." I advise everyone to listen, take notes and ingest as much as possible.

Real Definitions to Blow Your Mind. Words on this Page are words you THOUGHT you knew, but didn't!

Real Definitions to Blow Your Mind Words on this Page are words you THOUGHT you knew, but didn't! Last edited: Sunday, April 5, 2009 Real Definitions Page 2 is the bottom left link All from the 1976 edition of Random House College Dictionary *Unless otherwise stated* (35 Words Added Feb 22, 2009, begin with an asterisk like this *) (Edited Words have two (2) asterisks like this **) (10 Words added Feb 25, 2009, have three asterisks like this ***) **Adam  â€“ is word #120 in The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible Word #120 is defined as "ruddy" i.e. a human being; an individual, or the species mankind, a low man, a mean person, of low degree!  It is from word #119 in the same book.  Word #119 says that the word  Adam  means to show blood in the face, to get flush, or turn rosy red, to be made red, or ruddy!  When I read this it becomes very clear to me that melanated and copper colored people are N...