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Showing posts with the label impact

Blacks Can Not Be Racist

Blacks Can Not Be Racist Black People are not, in the Institutional Power Positions to Negatively Impact Whites, Asians or any other Ethnic Group, in Quality of Life matters. Whites systematically via government and private sector institutions Deny Black People as a Group, access to: 1) Equal Protection under the Law. Whites systematically deny Black People's 2) Right to Life A) a Black Man is Killed by Police every 28 hours B) Economic Terrorism systematically locks the Majority of Black People to Suffer in Sub-Standard Housing with little or no access to: a) upwardly mobile gainful employment. In these Detention Centers called Ghettos the White Power Structure systematically a) Gouges Black People's criminally low wages/resources by granting "free reign" to a Merciless Merchant Class (Arabs, Koreans, etc.) who routinely exploit Black People, by charging exorbitantly high prices for Sub-Standard goods and...