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Showing posts with the label educate

Angelo Soliman

(1721 - 1796)  Angelo Soliman  is historically recognized as the "First Moorish Freemason." Born in the Congo (Cameroon), at  age seven he was kidnapped and sold into slavery. In Europe, he was the slave (child toy) of a prominent Sicilian lady. Later, at age 16,  he was sold to a royal  family in Vienna, Austria. There, he so impressed his masters with his remarkable intelligence, they chose to educate him. I n his mid twenties , Soliman distinguished himself as a studious and honorable subject with his masters, and actually won his freedom through his high moral character and education. As a free citizen of Vienna, the world's citadel of culture and enlightenment at the time, Soliman, now a member of the royal Hapsburg household, continued to pursue a personal course of erudite and moral excellence. He spoke six languages fluently and could write three of them fluently as well. He was also a master swordsman, war hero,  chess specialist,...

The Black community

One of the Black community's biggest problems is that it has been inbred into us during slavery that upward mobility means distancing ourselves from everything Black. Other cultures don't suffer from that disability. Black people are the products of the very same racist environment as White people, so some of us are just as racist toward other Black people as any racist Hillbilly. So we've got to educate ourselves out of that mind-set just to get up to speed to where other cultures walk through the door. So yes, other cultures have issues that they need to overcome too, but Black people have a whole lot more issues to deal with than others. That makes it imperative that Black people begin a crash course in education NOW, because the way things are going, there's not much time left. .  I live in California, and as I'm sure you know, California is an entrance point for illegal immigrants from South of the border. So one would think that these people who come he...