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Showing posts with the label daily


Art Blair shared Bev Collier's note: On Racism. Bev Collier wrote a new note: ON RACISM. Because racism does not affect us white folk in the same way as it does people of color, it is easy to underestimate the pain and suffering that they endure on a daily basis. Our white privilege allows us to place it back on a remote shelf at anytime and ignore it. White folks don't have to talk about racism. It does not directly affect us. We don't have to fear that our sons will be arr ested, sent to prison or even killed for a minor action. Our character is not judged by the color of our skin. White people need to look beyond our privilege and learn to listen to and strive to understand those most affected by racism. We have no business judging or instructing people of color on racism. They know full well what racism is and how it affects their lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren! If we sincerely care about racism in this country we need to accept that...