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Showing posts with the label prepared

Being Emergency Prepared

When the proverbial crap hits the fan, our people must be prepared.  You notice I said WHEN, not IF!  When it becomes obvious that we are under martial law, businesses and corporations, that have joined InfraGard, have been authorized, by Homeland Security, to use lethal force against the public. They have been ordered to shoot to kill!  They CANNOT BE PROSECUTED, because the FBI says they are the first line of defense and MUST protect America's infrastructure from terrorists!  (Keep in mind the fact that gangs and gang bangers have been labeled as terrorists.  If you live in a so-called gang infested neighborhood, then you are considered to be either in the gang yourself, or GANG AFFILIATED i.e. terrorist affiliated.  Most of my people in America can be made to fall into this category by the stroke of a pen.) The President also has laws in place to attack the citizenry of America!  I don't recall the actual numbers for the P...