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Dayton, Ohio, August 7, 1865 To My Old Master, Colonel P.H. Anderson, Big Spring, Tennessee Sir: I got your letter, and was glad to find that you had not forgotten Jordon, and that you wanted me to come back and live with you again, promising to do better for me than anybody else can. I have often felt uneasy about you. I thought the Yankees would have hung you long before this, for harboring Rebs they found at your house. I suppose they never heard about your going to Colonel Martin's to kill the Union soldier that was left by his company in their stable. Although you shot at me twice before I left you, I did not want to hear of your being hurt, and am glad you are still living. It would do me good to go back to the dear old home again, and see Miss Mary and Miss Martha and Allen, Esther, Green, and Lee. Give my love to them all, and tell them I hope we will meet in the better world, if not in this. I would have gone back to see you all when I was working in the ...

Body Politic

Body politic  is a  metaphor  in which a nation is considered to be a  corporate entity ,  being likened to a  human body . The word "politic" in this phrase is a  post positive adjective ; so it is "a body of a  politic  nature" rather than "a politic of a bodily nature". A body politic comprises all the people in a particular country considered as a single group. The  analogy  is typically continued by reference to the type of government as the  head of state ,  but may be extended to other anatomical parts, as in political readings of the  Aesop's fable , " The Belly and the Members ". The metaphor appears in the French language as the  corps-état .  The metaphor developed in  Renaissance  times, as the medical knowledge based upon the classical work of  Galen  was being challenged by new thinkers such as  William Harvey . Analogies were made between the supposed causes of dis...

General Ralph Scriptic Long

General Ralph Scriptic Long wrote: As Black People, we tend to try to measure injustices towards Afrikans from a moral standpoint, not realizing that the 'people' that we try to invoke Humanity from, ain't Human....when your enemy can kidnap you when he meets you, rapes you, then beats you, divides you to defeat you, then his ambition is see-thru....we were stolen, stolen from, abused, murdered, separated, lynched, overworked, demonized, segregated, ostracized, robbed, brain washed, targeted, economically castrated, profiled, degraded, poisoned, used, etc. for over 500 years, yet we expect some sort of reprieve because of a few lines on an old piece of paper that politicians don't even acknowledge.... In ANY OTHER language, by ANY OTHER race, this is called stupidity. This is one of the reasons why we should never allow emotions to help "guilt" our Oppressors, like crying in a courtroom. When you inherently have no morals, conscious or conscience, then...

Black History - Little Known Facts

The U.S. celebrates Black History Month in February to honor African-Americans' achievements and  contributions to society. People and organizations across the country hold events to recognize  pioneers such as Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall and Jackie Robinson. In its earliest form, the  tradition is almost 90 years old, but some people don't know its origins. Historian Carter G. Woodson established Negro History Week, which began Feb. 12, 1926. He scheduled  it at that time to match up with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln,  according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In 1976, Negro History Week became Black History Month. President Gerald Ford urged the public to  "seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every  area of endeavor throughout our history," according to the International Association of Official  Human Rights Agencies. Nowadays, every Black History Mont...

Internalized Racism & White Supremacy

Within sociology there isn’t a unique term for when white people enact white supremacy; we might just call it “white racism”. However we use the term Internalized Racism to denote the ways people of color adopt white supremacy. The idea here is that when people of color internalize white supremacy this often whittles at their self-esteem and may lead them to dislike the aspects of themselves that they feel are part of their non-white raci al-ethnic identity. Many people of color can easily think of times in their life where they felt shame or felt shamed by others for the non-white aspects of their identity. For instance an African American student recently said to me, “I hate my name [because it sounds Afrocentric], people hear it and immediately assume I’m loud or… you know, ’stereotypically black’.” People of color are also just as capable of using white supremacy to stereotype or discriminate against other people of color and themselves. Nathan Palmer

Mark Curry: Dancing with the Devil, How Puff Burned the Bad Boys of Hip- Hop

As an artist signed to Bad Boy records, Mark Curry rapped on songs with the Notorious B.I.G., appeared in big-budget music videos and rubbed shoulders with hip-hop's elite. His ultimate goal: a chance to write and debut his own album. But when a combination of bad business agreements with label owner Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs and personal choices got in the way of that, he turned to a different type of writing. The result was  Dancing with the Devil, How Puff Burned the Bad Boys of Hip- Hop. In the explosive cautionary tell-all, Curry, 39, delves into the hip-hop beef that ultimately resulted in the deaths of rappers Tupac and the Notorious B.I.G. and exposes Combs — one of the most powerful people in hip-hop — as an economic opportunist with little interest in helping his artist get ahead. When you first signed to Bad Boy, where did you see your music career going? All the way to the top as an entertainer and rapper. I saw me being able to feed my f...

Blacks Can Not Be Racist

Blacks Can Not Be Racist Black People are not, in the Institutional Power Positions to Negatively Impact Whites, Asians or any other Ethnic Group, in Quality of Life matters. Whites systematically via government and private sector institutions Deny Black People as a Group, access to: 1) Equal Protection under the Law. Whites systematically deny Black People's 2) Right to Life A) a Black Man is Killed by Police every 28 hours B) Economic Terrorism systematically locks the Majority of Black People to Suffer in Sub-Standard Housing with little or no access to: a) upwardly mobile gainful employment. In these Detention Centers called Ghettos the White Power Structure systematically a) Gouges Black People's criminally low wages/resources by granting "free reign" to a Merciless Merchant Class (Arabs, Koreans, etc.) who routinely exploit Black People, by charging exorbitantly high prices for Sub-Standard goods and...

The Black community

One of the Black community's biggest problems is that it has been inbred into us during slavery that upward mobility means distancing ourselves from everything Black. Other cultures don't suffer from that disability. Black people are the products of the very same racist environment as White people, so some of us are just as racist toward other Black people as any racist Hillbilly. So we've got to educate ourselves out of that mind-set just to get up to speed to where other cultures walk through the door. So yes, other cultures have issues that they need to overcome too, but Black people have a whole lot more issues to deal with than others. That makes it imperative that Black people begin a crash course in education NOW, because the way things are going, there's not much time left. .  I live in California, and as I'm sure you know, California is an entrance point for illegal immigrants from South of the border. So one would think that these people who come he...

The Zebra Reminds Me Of Black People

Reading Off Whiteness IV wrote: The zebra reminds me of black people. The zebra thinks just because the lion has let the zebra drink side by side with it at the pond that not all lions think zebras are prey. Although that thinking by the zebra benefits the lions, it is certainly detrimental to the zebra. For if lions could get a few zebra to think in the same confused manner as the one drinking beside it, the lions hunting would be made easy. The lion will allow the zebra  to leave unharmed because there may be other zebra witnessing from a distance what has taken place believing they too can do the same. The moral of the story is the nature of the lion has not changed, the lion has simply refined its hunting tactics to make the zebra think that it has. Just because you are now able to drink water, eat, work, and play next to white people does not mean that their nature has changed, white people simply refined the system to make you think they have. ‪#‎ Racism_is_WAR‬ !...

BIG TIME NEWS: In Regards to The IRS

Note:  Please consider that the first Writs blasted  by you the people, seemed to get the IRS under investigation, and the 'BOLO' list they were not willing to disclose is obviously to  "be on the look out" (BOLO)  for the natural people who are not OBLIGATED to pay taxes, especially the Moors who are aboriginal and indigenous and who know and are proclaiming this is their ancestral estate and National Domicile and they are NOT subjects to the corporations and their theft practices, nor must they apply for tax exemptions, 501C, etc., because they are not obligated in the FIRST place, as excise taxes, income taxes and sales taxes  are   for corporations  and Federal Employees / Servants or those who are members / citizens of the corporation, which is very, very logical that they would pay membership dues.  If you are a corporate member/ citizen what is left after your listed expenses would in...


Micanopy , known as Micco-Nuppe, Michenopah, Miccanopa, Moc-an-opa and Sint-Chakkee, which  means 'pond frequenter', as he must have spent a lot of time at the pond, probably meditating, particularly on the insurgence of the colonists, who wanted to suppress the aboriginal and indigenous people because CLEARLY, they (colonist) were disrespectful of nature, of life, of humanity. What can you expect from uncivilized barbaric slaves, murderers and thieves.  This is the second of wars for the natural people of the land against them.  Micanopy was a war leader in the Second Seminole Wars -  Check out his hair,  as they are locks.  Hair like lambs wool, skin like brass - copper. 

Paul Robeson

Paul Robeson was a famous African-American athlete, singer, actor, and advocate for the civil rights of people around the world. He rose to prominence in a time when segregation was legal in the United States, and Black people were being lynched by racist mobs, especially in the South. Born on April 9, 1898 in Princeton, New Jersey, Paul Robeson was the youngest of five children. His father was a runaway slave who went on to graduate from Lincoln University, and his mother came from an abolitionist Quaker family. Robeson's family knew both hardship and the determination to rise above it. His own life was no less challenging. In 1915, Paul Robeson won a four-year academic scholarship to Rutgers University. Despite violence and racism from teammates, he won 15 varsity letters in sports (baseball, basketball, track) and was twice named to the All-American Football Team. He received the Phi Beta Kappa key in his junior year, belonged to the Cap & Skull Honor Society, and gradu...


Art Blair shared Bev Collier's note: On Racism. Bev Collier wrote a new note: ON RACISM. Because racism does not affect us white folk in the same way as it does people of color, it is easy to underestimate the pain and suffering that they endure on a daily basis. Our white privilege allows us to place it back on a remote shelf at anytime and ignore it. White folks don't have to talk about racism. It does not directly affect us. We don't have to fear that our sons will be arr ested, sent to prison or even killed for a minor action. Our character is not judged by the color of our skin. White people need to look beyond our privilege and learn to listen to and strive to understand those most affected by racism. We have no business judging or instructing people of color on racism. They know full well what racism is and how it affects their lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren! If we sincerely care about racism in this country we need to accept that...

The Democrats

Let's get one thing straight!!! The Democrats didn't lose badly on Tuesday because of low black voter turn out. They lost because of the inherent conflict between equality and white privilege. This conflict has existed since the beginning of the nation. When many whites hear affordable health care, reduced prison populations, and raising the minimum wage, they hear someone doing something for black people. Despite the fact that these are good polices, they simply don't resonate in the minds of people with deep seeded racial animus who are invested in privilege and inequality.

DEATH WISH 101: Four (4) Reasons Black Men Should Avoid Drugs and Alcohol at all Cost.

You ever wonder why hip-hop music is the genre that is most uniquely focused on big, white corporations paying black men to brag about how high and drunk they are? You think this is a coincidence? Sorry, but it’s not. There is a reason why an artist rapping about smoking and drinking will usually get a deal before a rapper who spits about being intelligent and hard-working. Much of this is because there are people who have a vested interest in seeing black men weak and easily built for incarceration or execution. To understand where I’m coming from, think about the actions of a pimp. When a pimp is seeking to control his hooker, one of the things he might do is keep his “employee” high, dependent, thoughtless and off-balance. If he/she needs their pimp for the drug and has a frazzled mind, the pimp will always have control. So, the point here is that America has been working to consistently pimp the black man (slavery was the ultimate form of pimping), and one of the ways they...