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Showing posts with the label corporations

BIG TIME NEWS: In Regards to The IRS

Note:  Please consider that the first Writs blasted  by you the people, seemed to get the IRS under investigation, and the 'BOLO' list they were not willing to disclose is obviously to  "be on the look out" (BOLO)  for the natural people who are not OBLIGATED to pay taxes, especially the Moors who are aboriginal and indigenous and who know and are proclaiming this is their ancestral estate and National Domicile and they are NOT subjects to the corporations and their theft practices, nor must they apply for tax exemptions, 501C, etc., because they are not obligated in the FIRST place, as excise taxes, income taxes and sales taxes  are   for corporations  and Federal Employees / Servants or those who are members / citizens of the corporation, which is very, very logical that they would pay membership dues.  If you are a corporate member/ citizen what is left after your listed expenses would in...

DEATH WISH 101: Four (4) Reasons Black Men Should Avoid Drugs and Alcohol at all Cost.

You ever wonder why hip-hop music is the genre that is most uniquely focused on big, white corporations paying black men to brag about how high and drunk they are? You think this is a coincidence? Sorry, but it’s not. There is a reason why an artist rapping about smoking and drinking will usually get a deal before a rapper who spits about being intelligent and hard-working. Much of this is because there are people who have a vested interest in seeing black men weak and easily built for incarceration or execution. To understand where I’m coming from, think about the actions of a pimp. When a pimp is seeking to control his hooker, one of the things he might do is keep his “employee” high, dependent, thoughtless and off-balance. If he/she needs their pimp for the drug and has a frazzled mind, the pimp will always have control. So, the point here is that America has been working to consistently pimp the black man (slavery was the ultimate form of pimping), and one of the ways they...