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Showing posts with the label jail

The Release Of Two African-American Men

       "The release of two African-American men from prison in North Carolina after 30 years of incarceration for a murder they didn’t commit is yet another example of the American justice system’s racist targeting of African-Americans as the supposed primary criminal class in the country.        Between this outrageous case, the recent police broad daylight execution of Mike Brown, and the choke hold killing of Eric Garner, we must ask: isn’t it time we launch a movement to defeat the raci st law enforcement and criminal justice system’s systematic war on Black-America?        Why do we still pretend as if these are random isolated unconnected occurrences? This week’s news of the release of Henry Lee McCollum and Leon Brown after 30 years in jail for the 1983 rape and murder of an 11 year-old girl, represent another case of the gross miscarriage of justice." African Globe Staff

Man Facing Execution Pens Chilling Letter Full Of Truths You Can't Deny

I'm gonna allow this video to speak for itself as it breathes life into an issue that is ever growing and impedes upon everyone in one way or another both here in America and abroad. After you watch the video I ask that you leave a comment telling me what you thought about what was said.  Prisons are privately owned companies/ corporations which acquire free labor from their inmates. The inmates are paid only pennies on the dollar if that much. Prisons commit "crimes" by the boat load "everyday." However, the thing about that is that the common man and woman never hear about it unless there's a news report on it. From jailhouse corruption, to jailhouse sex rings, to money laundering, to over crowded jails/ prisons, to inadequate prisoner healthcare, to over crowded jail cells, etc. I could go on but, I think you get the jist. Regrettably, the video has been pulled.


This page does not have to go into any lengthy detail. Remember, if you are taken to jail via a 'fresh arrest,' try to get the names of the officers involved in your arrest who cause the most injury, threats or pain. Try to keep the details of your 'fresh arrest' in your head, as most likely, they won't give you paper & pencil. DO NOT SIGN IN, DO NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS, GIVE FINGERPRINTS, ETC., ONLY AFTER THEIR THREATS, AND DO NOT SIGN WHEN YOU' RE GETTING OUT. As soon as you are out, you need to do up an affidavit of all the facts of that unlawful arrest! It is best if you have someone that has your power of attorney to assist you in these matters until you are out.But, when you find yourself in a jail cell ... for whatever reason you've heard the story, seen it in the movies... that you have a right to ONE phone call. So the question is "who do you call?" Well, it's not to call your lawyer (God forbid!), your girlfriend, your p...