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Showing posts with the label energy

Food For Thought

As the sun rises. So should your thoughts & dreams. Your never to old to pursue your dreams. The world belongs to those who dream. While living out their dreams. Some have dreams Many are living out someone else's dreams. Instead of their own. While others have fears. In which become their living nightmares. Which one are you living. Ra-member you have the power to create your own reality. Based on what you choose to receive. Ra-member The Energy Flows Were The Mind Goes. Whose Dreams Are You Living Food For Thought

Great Rising

Great Rising, Great One, as the sun rises. So shall the joy, within your heart arise. Today is a day of reflecting & purging. Meaning purge anything or any one. That brings toxic corruptible or stressful energy to you. Today allow your peace to flow freely. For you have been, given an abundance of favor. The universe is working it out for you Enjoy Your Day