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Showing posts with the label servitude

Nat Turner

WITH EACH NEW SHIPMENT OF SLAVES, THERE WOULD HAVE TO BE CAUTION. WHY? BECAUSE THE NEW SLAVES WOULD BE LESS LIKELY TO ACCEPT SERVITUDE. THEREFORE, A CONSTANT DUMBING DOWN WOULD HAVE TO BE IN PLACE. OR ELSE, YOU COULD END UP WITH WHAT THEY HAD IN HAITI, WHERE THEY REALIZED IT WAS THE NEW SLAVES THAT WERE THE MOST THREAT FOR REVOLT AFTER SEVERAL REVOLTS ENSUED WITH THE INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY CAPTURED SLAVES. The most oppressive limits on slave education were a reaction to Nat Tu rner's Revolt in Southampton County, Virginia during the summer of 1831. This event not only caused shock waves across the slave holding South, but it had a particularly far-reaching impact on education over the next three decades. The fears of slave insurrections and the spread of abolitionist materials and ideology led to radical restrictions on gatherings, travel, and—of course—literacy. The ignorance of the slaves was considered necessary to the security of the slaveholders (Albanese 1976). Not only...

John Punch

Beginning of African Enslavement In the English Colonies and the USA John Punch is one of the first servants on record to be sentenced to slavery on the grounds of race in what we now call the USA. In other words, this was the beginning of African enslavement in the English colonies and subsequently the USA. Punch was a servant of the Virginia planter Hugh Gwyn, a wealthy landowner, a justice and one of the few members of the House of Burgesses, representing Charles River  County (which would become York County in 1642). In 1640, Punch ran away to Maryland with two European indentured servants of Gwyn. The three men were returned to Virginia and on 9 July, the Virginia Governor's Council, which served as the colony's highest court, sentenced the two Europeans to have their terms of indenture extended by four years each, but they sentenced Punch to a life of servitude. In addition, the council sentenced the three men to thirty lashes each. Wikipedia