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Showing posts with the label opportunity

Scholar And Educator

       M.P. Burley attended grammar and high school in his hometown of Macon, Georgia. His love of learning guided him to Ballard Normal School, where he excelled in a broad range of subjects, including Latin. Even though he was an outstanding scholar, Burley could find no work in his chosen field as an educator, so he took a job at a soap factory until a better opportunity came along.        In the Fall of 1903 he received a teaching job, but son concluded that his own education was incomplete. Burley then entered Atlanta University, where he finished college while supporting himself as a photographer during the Summers.        After graduation in 1909, he was appointed professor of English, Science and Latin at Homer College. Six years later, he left his native state to become Professor of Science at Miles College in Birmingham, Alabama. Burley's special talent for teaching was recognized by his promotion to President...

Great Risinig2

Great Rising,Great One,as the sun rises and shines upon you today.Remember every day is a new beginning. With an opportunity to live out your dreams. Allow your self to admire the beauty of creation the birds the trees the sky the sounds of peoples laughter.Look in the mirror and speak to your reflection speaking words of beauty and life for your one of the most greatest & beautiful of all creation. Be thankful for your beauty wisdom love &light.For you've touched many in this life.Enjoy Your Day.