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Showing posts with the label language

The illusion of freedom: The police state is alive and well

( “All the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.” — Historian Milton Mayer,  They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 Brace yourself. There is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country. Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by the antics of the political ruling class that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. Anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware. And anytime you have a government so far removed from its people as to ensure that they are never seen, heard or heeded by those elected to represent them, you’d better beware. The world has been  down this road before . We are at our most vulnerable right now. The gr...

Nubia or Egypt?

For many years archaeologists and other scholars knew little about either the Egyptians or the Nubians. Then, in 1822, Jean-Franqois Champollion used the Rosetta Stone to decode the language of the ancient Egyptians. His work gave the world the key to understanding their written records. These writings, however, gave only the Egyptians' view of the Nubians. For nearly 150 years, most scholars believed that the Nubians were of little importance. It was not unt il the 1960's that archaeologists and scholars began to learn more about ancient Nubia. They have uncovered and studied artifacts and monuments that show that Nubia had a highly developed civilization. Now many scholars wonder which civilization, the Nubian or the Egyptian, affected the other more."

Who Is An American?

Who Is An American? Why are the Oldest Bones found called Lucy?    by Morpheus Ashahed El       American:   n.   an Aboriginal or one of the various copper-colored natives found on the American Continent by the Europeans;  the original application of the name .   —Websters 1828 American Dictionary of the English language and 1936 .  Websters unabriged 20th century dictionary.        .       The Statue of Liberty is an icon of Liberty in America.   The Statue was manifested in the metal 'copper'.  Copper is the alchemical metal for the planet Venus.  The original tone of the statue, underneath the patina, is brown as in a copper penny.  The Statue was a gift from the French-men (free-man) and is symbolic of the true Al Moroccan (A-merican) woman   (see definition of American) .    The A...