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Random Give Aways

I'm going to have random give away's for the readers of my blog. In order for you to enter you simply need to read my blog posts and leave an intelligent comment concerning whatever the blog post is about. I'm going to have more than just one or two random give away's to and you never know what I may be giving away. It could be a program for your computer, an ebook, a picture, etc. If you want to enter the random drawing you simply need to send me an email. In the email I want you to include your first and last name and in the subject line I want you to write: "Enlightened Free Thinking Nubian Kings And Queens" Random Give Away's  You don't have to enter if you don't want to. I'm just trying to gain more readers to my blog by doing special promotions. My email address is Thank you for taking the time to read this message and be on the lookout because you never know who may get chosen.