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Showing posts with the label 50'000 years


The Washitaw's are the aboriginal people of America. They've been in Tymerita (America) more than 50,000 years. Yet few people know of their existence and that's the way that the "Government" likes and wants it. The Washitaw's had no boundaries to their land. So the whole of both North and South America truly belongs to them. The Washitaw's were/ are a peaceful people, a giving people and a friendly people. If they weren't then explorers never would have been able to set foot on the shores of North America. The Empress of the Washitaw was named Empress Verdiacee Tiara Washington Turner Goston El Bay. She wrote an epic book "Return Of The Ancient Ones (The True History Uncovered) of The Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Empire The Washitaw Files" which details and explains all that one needs to know about the Washitaw's. It is a definite must have for one who is a seeker of truth about aboriginal people in my opinion. T...