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Showing posts with the label free labor

Man Facing Execution Pens Chilling Letter Full Of Truths You Can't Deny

I'm gonna allow this video to speak for itself as it breathes life into an issue that is ever growing and impedes upon everyone in one way or another both here in America and abroad. After you watch the video I ask that you leave a comment telling me what you thought about what was said.  Prisons are privately owned companies/ corporations which acquire free labor from their inmates. The inmates are paid only pennies on the dollar if that much. Prisons commit "crimes" by the boat load "everyday." However, the thing about that is that the common man and woman never hear about it unless there's a news report on it. From jailhouse corruption, to jailhouse sex rings, to money laundering, to over crowded jails/ prisons, to inadequate prisoner healthcare, to over crowded jail cells, etc. I could go on but, I think you get the jist. Regrettably, the video has been pulled.