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Showing posts with the label racist

Sub-Saharan Africa’ is Undoubtedly a Racist Geopolitical Signature

"It appears increasingly fashionable in the West for a number of broadcasters, websites, news agencies, newspapers and magazines, the United Nations/allied agencies and some governments, writers and academics to use the term ‘sub-Saharan Africa’ to refer to all of Africa except the five predominantly Arab states of north Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt) and the Sudan, a north-central African co untry. Even though its territory is mostly located south of the Sahara Desert, the Sudan is excluded from the ‘sub-Saharan Africa’ tagging by those who promote the use of the epithet because the regime in power in Khartoum describes the country as ‘Arab’ despite its majority African population. ‘Sub-Saharan Africa’ is undoubtedly a racist geopolitical signature in which its users aim repeatedly to present the imagery of the desolation, aridity, and hopelessness of a desert environment. This is despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of one billion Africans do ...

Morris Brown (1770-1849)

Morris Brown was born in Charleston, South Carolina on February 13, 1770. His family belonged to a sizable African American population in the city who were mostly enslaved.  Brown’s parents, however, were part the city’s tiny free black community.  In the year of Brown’s birth, more than 5,800 enslaved blacks and 24 free blacks resided in the city, compared to a total of 5,030 whites.  Within this city where African Americans were the majority, Brown’s family circulated within an elite black society, whose members were often so closely related to aristocratic whites in the city that they were exempt from the racist restrictions imposed on the majority of enslaved people. A prosperous shoemaker by trade and charismatic religious leader, Brown travelled to Philadelphia to collaborate with the Rev. Richard Allen in the founding of the country’s first African Methodist Episcopal Church (Bethel AME) in 1816.  Brown worked tirelessly to forge an independent African M...

Debate: Is Hollywood Racist? Steve Cokely Vs Larry Elder

 Not to kill the video but, brother Steve Cokely mopped the floor with brother Larry Elder. That's first and foremost. Brother Cokely drops both science and information in this video. I think everyone should watch it and learn something from it. "If you don't understand white supremacy everything else you understand won't make no sense at all." Neely Fuller

Dr. Molefi Kete Asante

"In one instance the spread of Africans and Europeans to continents other than Europe and Africa helped to produce a world order that has reigned supreme in technology, science, economics, law, and sociology for five hundred years. It was, however, a racist construction created out of stolen land, broken treaties, stolen labor and broken backs. Any interpretation of the post modern views of the present world has to take into consideration that the entire discourse on the fluidity of cultures, the notion of subjective identities, the instability of social and cultural space, and the interaction and interpenetration of peoples is a direct result of the most massive forced movement of people the world has ever known (Cohen, l982). It becomes impossible to speak of the Americas or Caribbean without Africans or indeed Europe without Africa. One cannot speak intelligently about Portugal and its history without Brazil or without Angola and Mozambique; this is an incredibly interco...

Blacks Can Not Be Racist

Blacks Can Not Be Racist Black People are not, in the Institutional Power Positions to Negatively Impact Whites, Asians or any other Ethnic Group, in Quality of Life matters. Whites systematically via government and private sector institutions Deny Black People as a Group, access to: 1) Equal Protection under the Law. Whites systematically deny Black People's 2) Right to Life A) a Black Man is Killed by Police every 28 hours B) Economic Terrorism systematically locks the Majority of Black People to Suffer in Sub-Standard Housing with little or no access to: a) upwardly mobile gainful employment. In these Detention Centers called Ghettos the White Power Structure systematically a) Gouges Black People's criminally low wages/resources by granting "free reign" to a Merciless Merchant Class (Arabs, Koreans, etc.) who routinely exploit Black People, by charging exorbitantly high prices for Sub-Standard goods and...

The Black community

One of the Black community's biggest problems is that it has been inbred into us during slavery that upward mobility means distancing ourselves from everything Black. Other cultures don't suffer from that disability. Black people are the products of the very same racist environment as White people, so some of us are just as racist toward other Black people as any racist Hillbilly. So we've got to educate ourselves out of that mind-set just to get up to speed to where other cultures walk through the door. So yes, other cultures have issues that they need to overcome too, but Black people have a whole lot more issues to deal with than others. That makes it imperative that Black people begin a crash course in education NOW, because the way things are going, there's not much time left. .  I live in California, and as I'm sure you know, California is an entrance point for illegal immigrants from South of the border. So one would think that these people who come he...

Paul Robeson

Paul Robeson was a famous African-American athlete, singer, actor, and advocate for the civil rights of people around the world. He rose to prominence in a time when segregation was legal in the United States, and Black people were being lynched by racist mobs, especially in the South. Born on April 9, 1898 in Princeton, New Jersey, Paul Robeson was the youngest of five children. His father was a runaway slave who went on to graduate from Lincoln University, and his mother came from an abolitionist Quaker family. Robeson's family knew both hardship and the determination to rise above it. His own life was no less challenging. In 1915, Paul Robeson won a four-year academic scholarship to Rutgers University. Despite violence and racism from teammates, he won 15 varsity letters in sports (baseball, basketball, track) and was twice named to the All-American Football Team. He received the Phi Beta Kappa key in his junior year, belonged to the Cap & Skull Honor Society, and gradu...

The Release Of Two African-American Men

       "The release of two African-American men from prison in North Carolina after 30 years of incarceration for a murder they didn’t commit is yet another example of the American justice system’s racist targeting of African-Americans as the supposed primary criminal class in the country.        Between this outrageous case, the recent police broad daylight execution of Mike Brown, and the choke hold killing of Eric Garner, we must ask: isn’t it time we launch a movement to defeat the raci st law enforcement and criminal justice system’s systematic war on Black-America?        Why do we still pretend as if these are random isolated unconnected occurrences? This week’s news of the release of Henry Lee McCollum and Leon Brown after 30 years in jail for the 1983 rape and murder of an 11 year-old girl, represent another case of the gross miscarriage of justice." African Globe Staff