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Showing posts with the label Frequencies

The Reason

Why We appear to be Sleep as a Race. We are Functioning in an Extremely Hostile Environment. If We were Functioning in a Normal Environment Africans Receive Positive Feedback from the Symbiotic Relationship between Ntr/Nature and Hue-Man. Normally, Africans engage Vast Arrays of Sensors as the Rhythms thru out Ntr/Nature Regulate Our Individual Circadian Clock. Normally, We, Africans Perceive, far beyond the Five Senses (touch, taste, see, smell and hear. African Sense Perception Is quite Enlightening and Ennobling. We, naturally put out "feelers/antennas" that Plug Us into the Biosphere. The Hue-man-Biosphere Connection Affords Africans the Ability to Instantaneously Interpret Infinite Streams of Data. African People Receive and Transmit Countless Wavelengths and Frequencies as a Normal part of Our Collective Cognitive Awareness. Slavery/Maafa Forced a Multi-Genius Multi-Talented Race of...